2013 Resolutions

I know I am a little late on this post, but I wasn’t ready for New Year’s Resolutions until after all of the holidays (including Walker’s birthday!). So my official start to 2013’s resolutions is this week! ;)

Last year, I had several resolutions for the apartment so let’s see how we did!

1. ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE! – Ok, so I do this every year but it is so important! When Walker moved in we found a place to put everything and have ignored it since. But in the next few weeks we will be getting a detached garage space (YIPPEE FINALLY!) and can stash some of our stuff in the extra storage. Sounds like a good excuse to do some weeding out of the excess and give us some breathing room. – ACCOMPLISHED!

2. CREATE A NEW DUAL WORKSPACE – Currently both of our computers are sitting on a desk I originally bought for myself that I Frankenstein-ed to accommodate both of us. However, there is no room to move or work… just barely enough room to click. So we have started some beginning plans on creating a new dual workspace that will actually meet our needs. – ACCOMPLISHED!

3. UPGRADE THE TUNES – We have been talking about getting a record player for the living room because we both LOVE listening to music. Walker even has a mini record collection started so we have some great stuff to listen to when we actually take the plunge. We anticipate a little extra space once we get the garage space and new desk so we hope to make it work sooner rather than later. – ACCOMPLISHED!

4. KITCHEN LOVE – The living room and bedroom have been slowly transformed to merge our styles since Walker moved in. However, with the exception of an additional calendar and some art, the kitchen looks exactly the same. I think he and I need to put our heads together and see what we want to do with this room. – DIDN’T QUITE GET THERE!

5. BATHROOM SOS – Other than towels, curtains, and a bathmat, I have yet to do anything with the bathroom. This is the year to start! – ACCOMPLISHED!

In 2012 we managed to clean all the closets and organize the garage space, get his & hers writing desks to replace our old workspace, got a record player and  record storage for our growing record collection, and completely re-did the bathroom! The one resolution we didn’t quite get to was a kitchen revamp. However, we have at least put together a plan so I guess we are at least on our way! So this brings us to this year’s resolutions…. here we go!


2013 New Year’s Apartment Resolutions

1.  KITCHEN LOVE – Since we didn’t quite get to this in 2012, I would love to get our kitchen project underway early this year!

2. ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE! – We need to do this every year! We got a bunch of Christmas gifts (books, DVDs, etc.) and have no where to put them so we need to do some spring cleaning to make room.

3.  STORAGE SOLUTIONS – Now that Walker and I have lived together for over a year, we have slowly filled up all of our current storage. Aside from putting everything in the garage, we need to come up with some new ways to add storage (especially for books, DVDs, CDs, and school supplies!).

4.  NEW COFFEE TABLE AND RUG – Our current coffee table is hanging on by a thread! We absolutely need to save up and replace it.  We would also love to get a new, upgraded rug for underneath… class up our living room a little! :)

5. SCHOOL WORKSPACE – I love our writing desks but I am going to be doing a lot of drafting and projects that take up much more space/storage for school. We need to figure out a way to make a little more space for doing schoolwork, which is going to be really tough!

We are keeping it simple this year! Our apartment is feeling a bit small lately (after all of the Christmas goodies) so we are focusing mainly on cleaning things out and finding more storage. I think we can do it! :)

On a personal level, I am trying to give myself a small list of manageable resolutions for the new year. I mentioned a few things last year that didn’t really pan out too well so here’s to a fresh start!

2013 New Year’s Personal Resolutions

1. BE MORE ACTIVE – I am not going to sit here and tell you I am going to hit the gym every day or even at all. My resolution is simply to incorporate some “active” activities into my lifestyle. I want to walk the dog more often.  I want to ride my bike to work some days. I want to go on the occasional hike. I want to even try and fit in a workout here and there. You get my drift! I just need to be more active and therefore happier & healthier! P.S. I have joined My Fitness Pal… my username is OurCozyCubbyhole if you want to be friends!

2. STAY HYDRATED! – I need to drink more water, no questions about it. In addition, Walker and I have decided to start buying gallons of bottled water instead of drinking tap water after hearing/reading some pretty horrific things about our water supply (I’m talking some serious Erin Brockovich crap!). I know it is a little less sustainable but drinking the tap water just doesn’t seem like an option.

3. PICK UP MY GUITAR MORE OFTEN – Just for fun when I have the time!

4. TRY NOT TO OVERLOAD MY PLATE – I have a lot on my plate with school, work, the blog, Etsy, etc. So I want to make sure I am keeping enough free time and quality time for Walker & me in my new schedule. I am going to try and keep the miscellaneous projects down to a minimum!

5. BE FINANCIALLY SMART – Since I am only working three days a week and am paying for school at the same time, my monthly income will be taking a huge cut this year.  I want to make sure I am being financially smart so I can still try and save a few pennies here and there!

There you have it: my apartment and personal goals for the year! Let’s hope it goes well! Happy New Year everyone!

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